Babson Boulders of Dogtown

Dogtown has a long history, started in 1693. Once a community settled by farmers, Dogtown was abandoned during the War of 1812. Legend is that fleeing families left their dogs behind, fueling the area's lasting nickname.

Long after the last resident of Dogtown died, Roger Babson created a trail of over 30 immense boulders etched with sayings to promote his inspirational ideals, now called the Babson Word Rocks. The rocks bear inscriptions including "Help mother," "Stay out of Debt," "Loyalty," and "Never try never win." Babson was a millionaire who supported the project, carried out by local masons, as a Works Progress Administration project during the Great Depression.

Originally, the boulders stood in a groomed field, but now, the rocks are an eerie presence strewn in an overgrown forest with many footpaths scattered throughout, and make up a popular hiking trail.

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