This is a pretty neat house, built by Daihai Fei, age 24, he did it for only $960 US dollars. He had moved to Beijing to pursue his college degree, but after graduating he found to get work, he must stay in the city, but he couldn’t afford rent. The house is mobile and covered with bags of dirt and grass seeds. Daihai Fei hopes that the seed will take and grow to fully encase his egg in grass, making it more weather resistant.
His egg house is now located across the street from his work, so commute is a 30 second walk. I was surprised that you could pull this off in Beijing , I would think in a modern city they wouldn’t allow it. But Daihai Fei has become something of a local legend, so perhaps winning the hearts of people has allowed him to do this. After living in his egg house for two months Daihai Fei feel that his life has improved dramatically since living in his egg house.